We began by going to the Grosse Ile Herb Fest - and it wasn't that kind of herb, either, though for some reason this event name makes me think of the illegal herb. They advertised selling heirloom plants, herbs, and other herbish things. I bought some things from a booth selling lotions, soaps, and that sort of thing. Two are gifts so I am not telling what they are! But rest assured they smell very pretty. I think we got there too late to really take advantage of the plant selling, by the time we got there it was pretty much picked over and not much left. But we strolled around Grosse Ile's Centennial Farm for a bit, visited their cute animal shelter, where I saw some decorative ideas that would be so cute in the shelter I volunteer at, and envied the dog park. I would love a dog park in our city, and I am sure that Penny would too! We finished up the festival and our explorations pretty quickly, and decided that we were going to leave the island and try to find the ingredients for dinner by shopping roadside stands with vegetables, eggs, etc. Like a fresh food ingredient scavenger hunt.
Well, we must have picked the wrong direction, because we didn't find any roadside stands. We did bumble onto Calder's Dairy Farm though. As a side note here, I love Calder's Dairy, I grew up near the Calder's store (the one not near the farm) and my grandfather would always take us to Calder's for ice cream in the summer. Calder's Farm is open 7 days a week to visitors from 10-8, and it is free, if you can believe it. We wandered around, ate ice cream (this was twice in one weekend for me, and I usually eat ice cream once a year!), bought milk in glass jars and some other stuff like brown eggs from the roaming Calder chickens, and then - the best thing - we saw a newborn calf! As in 15 minutes old newborn! It was so sweet to see the momma cow licking her baby clean, and watching the baby stand for the very first time!!! I am glad we didn't wander into the barn while she was giving birth, I am not sure that I could have witnessed that, but seeing it all cute and spindly legged like Bambi was awesome. If I can figure out how to get the picture off my phone, I will upload it. Of course today of all days I opted to leave my camera behind. I didn't want any distractions today.
We ended our day a bit earlier than we wanted to, for some reason we are both feeling not the greatest. I have a killer sore throat! And I still don't know what we are doing for dinner. But all in all, what a cool day. It renewed my interest in forming a commune with my friends somewhere, so I can have goats, chickens and apple trees, and Chrissy and Devin can have bees. Who knows, maybe one day I will be a farm girl.
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